IZUOSHIMA Anko Culture Preservation meeting
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「残したい 大島の宝を」
Our own treasure culture to hand over
「島の宝・アンコ展 ~アンコさんってなぁに?~」
伊豆大島アンコ文化保存会キャラクターのアンコちゃんが、LINEスタンプになりました!絶賛発売中 !
「島の宝・アンコ展 ~アンコさんってなぁに?~」
大島町開発総合センター 大集会室

What’s “IZUOSHIMA Anko Culture Preservation meeting ”?
Our Mission and hope
生活様式の変化とともに日常の中でアンコ姿の女性を見かけなくなりましたが、この独特な姿はいつ頃から、どうしてこのようなスタイルになったのか ―さらに女性たちがどのように風土と向き合い、暮らしに関わってきたのか―大島の女性たちが築いてきたこの貴重なアンコ文化を「このまま失ってしまってもよいのか」と強く思うようになりました。
伊豆大島の伝統風俗である「アンコ」。大島に暮らす私たち(姉っこ)世代が中心となり、学び、守り、この風俗を後世に伝えていきたい― そんな想いから、2015年10月『伊豆大島アンコ文化保存会』を立ち上げました。
The typhoon No. 26 in 2013 gave us devastating damage. It caused a huge landslide, took a lot of lives of local people away from us and destroyed the local the scenery. It also gave a dreadful damage to the climbing trail to Mt Mihara.
The climbing trail and the top of Mt Mihara have been the most popular tourist spot. It had a lot of local cafés and local girls called “Anko”. They guided tourists around the mountain and developed the foundations of local tourism.
Izu-Oshima is an island located 120 km away from Tokyo and 30 km away from Izu peninsula. It is surrounded a warm ocean current called “Kuroshio.” A lot of hard-working women have been living there. They wear unique kimonos though their clothing changed gradually according to ages. Basically, they have worn a kind of navy-blue kimono with tight sleeves called Kasuri and usually had a short apron on. We call them ”Anko.” Those energetic women were always our treasure and a great part of local cultural asset to pass on to future generations.
Though we don’t have many chances to see Ankos these days, we strongly feel that we should preserve this great tradition. Our ancients have developed this great Anko culture. Also, not only ourselves but also our future generation need to know the origin of the Anko and how they have supported the lives of local people.
We, local women living in the 21 century, established “Izu-Oshima Anko Culture Preservation meeting” in October, 2015 to pass on this Anko tradition.
Our activities
We are having the following activities to preserve and let the people know Anko culture.
1) Collecting the old photos, old documents and stories from local people
2) Arranging workshops with local people to talk about Anko culture
3) Hosting events for young women to wear Anko clothes
We are collecting records about Anko since we are sure that Ankos can be our great asset for our local economy. We would be happy to get info on Anko, such as old documents and stories from you.
We are also collecting traditional Anko clothing such as navy-blue kimonos, short aprons and winter jackets called “hanten”.
If you have the items above, don’t hesitate to contact us before throwing them away.
Our Logo
It has four pictures and each of them stands for our wish.
Fish is for great catches. Water flow is for our lives with enough clean water. Butterfly is for our healthy lives. Bird is for the ties among local people. All of them are also printed on our traditional towels called “Somenshibori”. Please refer to one of the articles of our newsletter on our website for the details on Somenshibori

Team members
Why don’t you join us to preserve this Anko tradition and let more people know about it?
We have eight full time members now. Please allow us to contact some of you when we have events to ask for your cooperation.
伊豆大島アンコ文化保存会は、伊豆大島ならではの暮らしを地域の大切な資源とし、学び、守りながら、その魅力を活用していく 伊豆大島ジオパーク とともに活動しています。
Izu-Oshima Anko culture preservation organization is working with The Japanese Geoparks Network (JGN). JGN is a specified non-profit organization which is a networking platform for the Geoparks in Japan. They are an organization to preserve the local lives, traditions and cultures.